EMPR Deputy Minister’s Community Service Award
Any aggregate industry member can tell you that aggregate producers in British Columbia play an immense role in our communities, going way beyond purely providing the necessary resources for the construction of homes, public infrastructure, and roads. In 2019 the BCSSGA was pleased to launch the Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Deputy Minister’s Community Service Award honouring the important contributions from the diverse range of people and companies that comprise BC’s aggregate industry.
About the Award
The Deputy Minister’s Community Service Award honors the outstanding contribution the aggregate industry provides to communities across the province, showing that the industry in our province that our companies do impactful work that helps people all across the region in multitudes of ways.The award recognizes that contribution takes a variety of forms, from volunteering labor and equipment for community projects and events to supporting local organizations.
Companies in the aggregate industry that have supplied at least one project in a BC community during the year are eligible for nomination, and can be nominated by any interested industry member.
Application Package and Deadline
Award Deadline April 12th, 2024. The next award will be presented at the BC Stone, Sand and Gravel Association Annual General Meeting and Spring Conference, taking place April 26th – 26th at the Delta Hotels Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort in Victoria, BC.
BCSSGA Community Contribution Award Application Form –
Download HERE