Employment and Job Security
Aggregate companies employ a skilled workforce that helps to drive the BC economy. The majority of operators and owners run their operations close to the communities they supply, drawing most of their employees from those communities.
Aggregates Employ British Columbians
In addition to direct jobs created by the industry, it also fuels many support jobs across industries that use aggregate products. For example, skilled technicians are required to prepare concrete mixes for industrial and residential applications, and lab workers are needed to continue to research new concrete and aggregate products for construction activity.
Retail and bulk sales are required put the product into the hands of the end users, trainers are required to train heavy equipment operators to handle and transport the aggregates. Labourers and construction workers clear the sites, build the forms and set the rebar so concrete can be poured. Employees at manufacturing facilities make and supply the rebar, the straps, the plywood and the chemicals needed for that pour to be successful.
These are just a few examples of employment opportunities directly or indirectly related to the aggregate producing industry. For every employee at a quarry site there may be another twenty people working in supply and support. The aggregate industry is key to employing people throughout the province of BC.