Training & Resources
The BC Stone, Sand, and Gravel AssociationA key goal of the BC Stone Sand and Gravel Association is to promote safety and training within the industry. The manager of each mine is responsible for ensuring appropriate training for all staff and documenting that training. In this section, we provide pathways to general safety and training information.
Safety professionals say ‘If it isn’t written down, it didn’t happen.’ Remember to document your training regularly. The manager of each mine is responsible for ensuring appropriate training for all staff, and documenting that training.
Some of the training materials referenced below are from other jurisdictions, and are intended for general education only.
Recommendations may not be appropriate for your mine site, and legal references may not be applicable. Check with your mine manager and region for specific safety recommendations for your site.

US Mine Safety and Health Administration Video Index – Click here.
Operator Seating Position and Stretching Exercises
Wheel Loaders, Excavators, Equipment
Plant & Conveyors
Work safe BC: Lockout Video – Click here.
Excavation & Trench Safety
Environmental - Personal Hazards
Worksafe BC: Silica Exposure Video – Click here.
Additional Information (PDF)
Inspection Quick Check List – Quarry Click here.
Sample Safety Meeting Minutes Click here.

Do you know of other helpful videos or other training resources we should feature on this page? Please contact [email protected]